Thursday, October 7, 2010

It Happened...

When I started this blog, I had a small worry in the back of my mind.
What if one day I just can't enjoy my apricots?
To my great shock and horror. It happened.
This week took the delight and funny right out of me.
The theme of my week has been:
No, I have not joined the NRA.
No, I have not started to 'pack'.
But (to completely mix metaphors), this week I had to put my gloves on and fight.
Me in one corner.
Living in the Middle East in the other.
I still don't know who is going to win yet. Guess you'll have to stay tuned.

From reading my blog, you may assume I wake up every day with the delightful smell of Bedouin fires wafting into my window. The sound of goats passing by. I take my clean, well behaved children to their school of excellence where all children come out at the end of the day brighter than when they went in. I find delight and enjoyment in the strange encounters I have with the culture. And I write a blog post about it and life is good.

Well, some days I wake up to a Bedouin looking IN my bedroom window and I step in the goat poop on my way to my car which is a mess and needs gas, but I can't go to the gas station on the way to the kids school because that one always rips me off and I drop my kids off at school where there are other naughty children stealing my kids lunches and doing other naughty things and teachers who don't always 'get the job done'.

This week was one of those.
I got summoned by a lawyer to make a statement about an incident at school last year (not involving my children, thankfully!)
I bought peaches at the market. They were all rotten.
I narrowly missed a horrible traffic accident, and had to witness the ugly aftermath.
My daughter refused to participate in swim club.
All the tomato crops in the Kingdom were damaged by a nasty bug. I miss my salsa!
I had to be a mean collection agent for a WAY overdue invoice owed to my husbands company.
I had to get my blood drawn in a shady health department room.
I got bit by my neighbors dog.
I have a slight feeling I may be scammed by a FedEx guy who is shipping a bunch of the products from my sweet ladies to the States.
My husband got called in to speak to the Intelligence Director over an issue with a former employee.
I stayed up too late two nights in a row.
My big toe got ran over by a grocery cart and I left half my nail in the grocery store.
My hubby was traveling.
AND I can't write a blog post about something funny and delightful because nothing of the sort happened to me this week!

So, in the effort to keep it real.

My apricots today are also...ROTTEN!

But I look forward to a fresh harvest next week.


  1. OK, so you win for most dramatic week! So glad you're documenting all of this because #1 you have a gift of writing that keeps us all entertained and #2 one day you will look back on this and indeed see that fresh, tasty apricots have come from all of it!
    We love you guys!
    Brenda K.

  2. Thank you Lindsey for sharing your struggles so we know how to pray for all of you. We all have those days that are stinky rotten but God is good and PTL He will give us good days too!

  3. Thanks for keeping it real Lindsey! Here's to better days!

  4. I love reading your blog... it's like sitting next to you in a marketing class but instead I am reading your thoughts via a blog! :) Praying for you guys!

  5. Thanks Lindsey for telling both sides - both the good and bad. I'm praying for you all! I love reading your blog! You need to write a book of your whole adventure! I'd buy it! :)
    Tami G.

  6. oh, man, sounds pretty bad. :( sorry for such a rough week!

    Your doing great at handling it! :)
