Monday, October 4, 2010

In the Mood for Fall

Fall is my favorite season. I love the cool crisp weather. The apples. The cider. The smell of a bonfire. The colors of the trees. The comfort food...pots of soup and fresh bread. Yum! So many things to love!

Alas, it is still 100 degrees here.
I sweat to death every time I go out.
The only color on the trees is brown (as in dead).
But I did decorate my house for fall.

I found a pumpkin even! A BIG one. (We'll see how long it can sit before it starts to stink from its rotting middle!)

I have a great recipe to make apple cider from apple juice.

I smell smoke in the mornings when the Bedouins who live on the mountain behind our house light their morning fires.

And today.
I found the perfect pot for fall soups.

(Just for perspective. The pots are stacked to the ceiling in a store with 15 foot ceilings.)

I'm ready for soup! Come on over! (and please invite 400 of your closest friends...we'll have plenty).


  1. My husband would see a pot that big and say "that's a good investment, think of all the food you could make the boys in that!" I think it's huge though!

  2. I love your grateful, joyful attitude! Maybe you'll get to make a pumpkin pie from scratch before your centerpiece rots too :)
