Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My International Kids

We sent the kids back to school today!
Last night we had a little party to celebrate a new school year. We also presented the kids each with a gift of a bunch of words that describe them...all their good qualities, of course!

I did a lot of reflecting these days as to how truly resilient my kids are. And the experiences they have everyday that give them a unique and big perspective of the world. They go to school with kids from just about every continent. Their teachers are from all over the world and each bring their cultural flavor to the job.

Then, just yesterday I had two very funny moments the confirmed it all...my kids have not had a normal childhood!

We were on our way to the beach for our last summer fling. My son had brought his binoculars along just to see what he could see. We were quietly driving along the road and he was gazing over the Red Sea toward Egypt. From the back seat, in normal conversational fashion, says "Hey mom, don't freak out, but I think I see the pyramids."
(No, we are not that close to the pyramids.)
It was just hilarious that he KNOWS what direction the pyramids are or for that matter even what they are! I don't think I knew they existed until I was at least in junior high!
Fast forward to later that evening. My hubby and I were having a random conversation about our bucket list of cities we still wanted to visit. Paris came up in conversation. My daughter, who was sitting near by distracted by something else at the moment piped in, "I've always wanted to go to Paris! There are so many things that I want to see there! Can we really go?"
She is 6!
She has a list of things that she wants to see in Paris?
I dreamed of going to Chuck-e-Cheese when I was six. But, Paris? Not so much!
So, back to school we go in the big, big world. Excited to see what they will both learn this year!


  1. Greta told me recently that she wanted to go to the Place de la Concorde. I guess we need to meet you in Paris!

  2. Paris! I want to go too! :) Funny, what is it that she wanted to see there?
