Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Picture for Today: Tools

I get a lot of questions about how I do the layouts for my Picture for Today are some options for ya:

I use the Creative Memories digital software called Storybook Plus. I find it very easy to use with endless possibilities and I love it because I don't have to haul paper, tape, supplies, albums, etc. all around the world.

If you have Photoshop and know your way around pretty well or have some time to look at some tutorials on-line, you could do the same idea right in Photoshop. I have a friend from college who does this and her layouts are beautiful. I would say this option is more for the design-types who prefer to start from scratch.

One of my other friends is using Project Life to capture her picture a day project. There is a digital kit or regular scrapbooking kit version to choose from. The Project Life website has great ideas about what to take photos of each day and the layouts are really fresh and happy looking.

Or if you like just good old fashioned scrapbooking, it would be really easy to pick out an album, design a layout that you use each week and just plunk your photos in there, maybe changing the paper colors each week for variety. That would make a cute memory book and something the kids would probably enjoy helping with. The possibilities are endless. A friend of mine just emailed me about her photo of the day project that she has decided to do just for summer break. Fun! When I was doing traditional scrapbooking, I used this website a lot to get ideas and there are about a million others like it!

And an idea for those non-scrapbooking types. Make a blog. Ask some friends or siblings to contribute (a great gift for grandparents!), you each could post a picture and 'see' what the others are up to. Great way a preserve memories for the year. Here is a fun one to look at: these friends live on different continents and use the blog to keep up with each other.

Get creative. Find your apricot each day! And let me know if you do a picture of the day project.

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